Are You Worried About the Quality of the PVC Pool Liner and its Vulnerability to Damage?


Are You Worried About the Quality of the PVC Pool Liner and its Vulnerability to Damage?

In the last video, the chlorine resistance level of our PVC pool liner can be as high as five levels. In this issue, let's discuss another performance of the PVC pool liner, the stretching strength of the PVC pool liner.

For a product, quality is the primary. Many friends are worried that the PVC pool liner purchased is not good and easy to damage, resulting in increased replacement costs. Our tensile experimental test of the PVC pool liner can solve everyone's concerns well.

We need to test a certain temperature and humidity laboratory for testing in 24 hours. We will put the samples to be tested first to regulate the prescribed state, and then conduct a series of tests. The national standard's stretching strength is 10MPa (Mago), and the tear strength is 50. Our Landy product stretching strength can reach 13MPa (Miaopa), and the tearing strength is above 70.

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